Regulating Body
Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, Home Inspector Licensing Board
Phone: (317) 234-3031
Fax: (317) 232-2312
Address: 402 West Washington Street, Room W072 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Quick Indiana Facts
- Home inspection is regulated
- Every two years license renewal cycle
- Distance education is allowed
- At least 50% of CE requirements must be allowed by distance learning
- 60 hours total – minimum of 40 hours of classroom training for pre-license education
- CE distance education is not allowed
- License type(s): home inspector
- Field Training and Experience
- Minimum of 12 hours of practical experience (part of the 60 hour pre-license requirements
- CE
- 32 CE hours
- Pre-Licensing
- 60 pre-licensing hours
Statute/Code: Indiana Codes Title 25. § 20.2-5-2 (3)
Exam: National Home Inspector Examination
Application and Licensing: Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
Indiana Home Inspection Training
Indiana Licensure (P.L. 145 enacted in 2004). P.L. 145 established the Home Inspectors Licensing Board to regulate home inspectors and associate home inspectors. The Board shall be responsible for setting the fees for licenses, investigating complaints concerning licensees and establishing continuing education requirements. The Board shall adopt a code of ethics, standards for competent performance of home inspections and standards for inspection reports. Under P.L. 145, licensing requires that a candidate:
- Be at least 18 years of age,
- Graduated from high school or earned a GED diploma,
- Not have been convicted of specific crimes,
- Complete a Board approved training program or course and pass an exam approved by the Board,
- Carry general liability insurance coverage of at least $100,000 and
- Pay a fee.
The law also provides that a person who performs home inspections for compensation without a license commits a Class B Infraction. It also provides that any civil complaints based upon the professional services of a licensed home inspector must be filed within two years of the date the alleged Infraction occurred. This law takes effect July 1, 2004.