Regulating Body
Mississippi Real Estate Commission
Phone: (601) 321-6996
Fax: (601) 321-6956
Physical Address: Lefleur’s Bluff Tower, Suite 300 4780 I-55 North, Jackson, MS 39211
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 12685 Jackson, MS 39236
Quick Mississippi Facts
- Home inspection is regulated
- Every two years license renewal cycle
- Distance education is allowed
- Field Training and Experience
- Pre-licensing education hours may include fieldwork as prescribed by the commission.
- CE
- 20 CE hours
- Pre-Licensing
- 60 pre-licensing hours
Statute/Code: Mississippi Code 73-60-11
Exam: National Home Inspector Examination
Application and Licensing: Mississippi Real Estate Commission Home Inspector Division
Mississippi Home Inspection Training
Mississippi Licensure (Chapter 71) enacted in 2001. Mississippi law requires home inspectors to be licensed by the Mississippi Real Estate Commission (Commission) and is given the following powers:
- Receiving and approving applications for licensure and collecting fees,
- Implementing recommendations made by the Home Inspector Advisory Board,
- Adoption of code of ethics and standards of practice
- Developing a licensing exam (the Commission adopted the National Home Inspector Examination to assess minimum competence) which meets nationally recognized standards, as well as developing applications and licensing forms,
- Adopting rules and regulations for administering the law.
The law also created a five person Home Inspector Regulatory Board (Board), members of which are to be licensed inspectors, and appointed by the Governor. The Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Commission, and was given the following duties and powers:
- Responsibility for matters relating to the code of ethics, standards and qualifications,
- Holding hearings and preparing examination specifications for licensure, 3) conducting investigations,
- Further defining regulation, educational and equivalent experience, and
- Recommending suspension or revocation of licenses.
To qualify for a license under this act, a person must:
- Have successfully completed high school or attained an equivalency degree,
- Be at least 21 years old,
- Have successfully completed an approved course of study of at least 60 hours, which may include field work as required by the Commission,
- Pass the National Home Inspector Examination, and
- pProvide a certificate of insurance for errors and omissions and general liability.
Certain individuals acting under their profession or license are exempted from additional licensure by the Commission for “visual inspections”–specialty and general contractors, architects, engineers, financial institution employee, licensed real estate broker, appraiser or home builder. There is also a three-year limitation included for clients seeking to recover damages from an inspection, a reciprocity provision, and a grandfather clause included in the act.