Regulating Body
Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation Board of Registration of Home Inspectors
Phone: (617) 701-8709
Fax: (617) 727-1627
Email:; To receive instructions on conducting common board transactions, email
Address: Division of Professional Licensure, 1000 Washington Street, 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02118
Quick Massachusetts Facts
- Home inspection is regulated
- Every two years license renewal cycle
- Distance education is not allowed
- CE distance education is not allowed
- License type(s): associate home inspector
- Field training and experience
- Associate home inspectors: $25 fee paid home inspections under the direct supervision of a licensed home inspector
- CE
- 12 CE hours
- Pre-licensing
- In order to become a licensed home inspector, applicants must be engaged as an associate home inspector for no less than one year, and have 100 home inspections documented
- Associate home inspectors: 75 hours
Statute/Code: Massachusetts General Laws Part I TITLE XVI. Chapter 112. § 222-223
Rule/Regulation: 266 CMR 3.01 (2) a &b, 266 CMR-4.05
Exam: National Home Inspector Examination
Application and Licensing: Division of Occupational Licensure; Board of Registration of Home Inspectors